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Te quiero sin importar tu raza


About Us

We are “Ayuda una patita”, a non-profit organization that rescues,
rehabilitates and gives up for adoption homeless animals.

Through this medium we would like to provide you with all the
necessary information so that we can improve together with the
lives of the furry ones.


Adopt a Pet

If you got here it is because you are thinking of adopting one of our furry ones and
making your life happier. Before making this big decision, we invite you to reflect if
you are totally sure of doing so.
No animal asks you to adopt it, but if you decide freely to assume this commitment it
is for life.

Abandonment is a crime!

We invite you to reflect on the following
points before you make the decision to adopt


A pet is a living being with physiological and emotional needs, it is a responsibility that must be assumed for life and takecare of the care it requires

Consider whether you are willing to adapt your home to the arrival of the new member.

Pets require to be in a safe space Time! Yes, time, a pet also requires you to dedicate playtime, stimulation and obviously to its care and feeding needs.

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